Tuesday, March 31, 2015

My baby wears my dress!

Working in a travel industry during this peak season oblige you to stay longer than your usual office hours. Well, I'm just lucky that I got free time to blog while waiting for my client. 

Last Christmas, my aunt returned my dresses which I used to wear when I was a little.  One of those was also worn by my niece and now my daughter.  Thank you to my mom and aunt for keeping them.  Last Sunday, I tried one of them to my Peycie and tadaaan.... it fits perfectly!

It's just sad that my niece and I don't have a photo wearing the same dress!  As my mom said last night, "if I only knew" :p

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Peycie's essentials

I was thinking on what to post and suddenly realized that I haven't shared with you my LO's essentials.  Babies are sensitive and you're lucky if your LO didn't show any sign of allergies with the first products you used to them.

Peycie was only breastfed for 2 weeks and her Pedia (who is my SIL) gave her Similac.  Don't get her wrong, my SIL is a pro breastfeeding pedia, it's just that Peycie finds it hard to latch on me and also I can only produce 1 oz per pump despite of all the "sabaw, malunggay" and clams. 

Way before I gave birth, I was looking for reviews on each brand of baby bottles and Avent has the best reviews.  I chose Natural because it has a breast-shaped teat in which will not lead my baby to confusion.  I only bought the starter set believing that I'll only use it when I get back to work.

When I was still pregnant, I did not opt to buy a sterilizer yet, just like the bottles because I believe that I can/will exclusively breastfeed my baby.  I remember, when we decided to mixfeed, I asked my husband to buy a sterilizer and even called me while in the mall because he didn't know what to buy.  I just told him to purchase Chicco (read good reviews as well) which can fit the Avent bottles.

We use 2 diapers on our baby.  Huggies Dry during day and Drypers on night time.  I haven't experienced leaks on these 2 nappies.

We arrived home from the hospital with Lactacyd used by the Nursery for our baby.  We used it for the mean time, however Peycie developed rashes and immediately stopped it.  From then until now, we use Cetaphil for her and luckily no more rashes or any sign of allergies.
On her 1st month, we used Cetaphil too as her shampoo but eventually changed it to Mustela on her 2nd month.  Again, this is based on moms' reviews on GT. :D
We tried different wet wipes and Kirkland is the only one which doesn't easily strip.  We only buy this at S&R and I am not sure if it's available in other stores.  By the way, I only use this to clean her poop, but still using cotton and clean water to wipe the area everytime I change her diaper.
My SIL advised me not to put any cologne yet when Peycie was still really small.  I started using it on her baptism.  We are using Enfant not only because I received it from my baby shower but it smells good too!  We only put it on her clothes and not directly to her skin.
It happened one time that my baby's skin got dry.  We only trust Cetaphil to moisturize her skin.

So far, these brands work well with my baby.  Planning to try different shampoo and soap for her but only when she turns 6 months. ☺


Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Puyatan No More

Okay, most moms experienced the "puyatan" moments with their babies and I was one of them.  If you have read my earlier post under "First Time Mom", you can see that our baby sleeps at around 4:00 a.m. to 5:00 a.m. As my husband says, that was the longest 2 months of his life.

Peycie changed her sleeping time after her baptism.  If we only knew then, we had her baptized earlier, LOL.  She now sleeps between 8:00 p.m.- 10:00 p.m. (what a relief) and still feed her every 3 hours.  We don't wake her up, we just put the teats in her mouth and it automatically opens.  She usually wakes up at 5:00 a.m., just in time before we prepare ourselves to work.

In case new parents out there still experiencing this, you may try the following as they may help:

-Turn off or dim the lights during night time
     -Practicing this makes your baby differentiate day from night. 

-Swaddle your baby
     -Most of us has an air-conditioned room, but remember, babies just came out from our womb which kept them warm for 9 months.  So, by swaddling them, it makes them sleep better/longer.  Not to mention, they feel safe too!

-Feed them
     -Most parents or grandparents wait for the babies to cry before feeding them.  I once heard a grandmother says "why would you feed her, she even not crying?"  Babies should be fed every 3 hours if they're still on 4oz or every 5 hours if 6oz.  If your baby is sleeping but time to feed, feed her.  This helps her sleep continuously.

-Hele with dancing
     -This is a typical way of putting babies to sleep and it's effective. 

-Use Duyan
     -This may sounds old school, but believe me, this is really helpful especially when I'm tired carrying her or I'm sleepy.  Just don't swing it hard. 
*Tip on duyan:  Tie a string on it so you can still swing the duyan by holding the string while sitting or lying .

It may take some time for your babies to adjust, but don't worry, they will eventually adapt the right sleeping time. ☺

*I am no expert on this, just based on experience. :D