Tuesday, June 30, 2015


The moment I knew that we are having a baby girl, I started looking for headbands online. I find those cutie patooties wearing big bows adorable and I want my little one to wear those headbands as well.  Whenever I am in the mall, I never missed the accessories area.  I don't go home without at least 1 piece for her. 

It's some kind of my habit already buying headbands. ☺  Just this morning, my mom reminded me to control myself from buying these things and prepare for Peycie's future.  Yeah right, I got your point mom! But hey, I can't resist buying it for her! Ha ha

Peycie's growing collection ☺

Well, last week might be my last purchase.  Since I'm a Stay-At-Home-Mom starting tomorrow (loveeeet!), I'm planning to personally make headbands for her.  Who knows, I might fall in love making headbands and I guess, it won't be bad to make money out of it, right? ☺


  1. These are sooo cute!!!


