Sunday, January 3, 2021

Bidding Goodbye to 2020!

 I just thought to bring my blog alive because, why not?  2020 is a year that everyone for sure will never forget.  It is a year that maybe for some, the worse, or maybe an opportunity to boom their business/es.  It is unforgettable for some because they got infected by the virus, others lost their loved ones, and let's not forget, the kids who used to play outside or in the park, wasn't or isn't able to do it anymore because we all have to stay home.  

But, we gotta do what we gotta do, stay home.  Since March 2020, I am working from home, as well as my husband. This is something that we are really thankful for, being able to work in the comfort of our home, being able to earn despite of the pandemic.  I would say, the opportunity of working from home and getting promoted are the best of our 2020. 

Highlights of 2020 --Who would've thought that people will go crazy over toilet paper in 2020?  Thank God for our "tabo", we didn't have to go with the craze.  Made us sing two happy birthday songs while washing our hands.  We had to homeschool our kids.  We have to sanitize before we enter our house, cars, grocery stores, clinics, hospitals etc.  Applying sanitizer to our grocery cart, grocery bags and packages.  And of course.. wearing a face mask.

Photo courtesy of Google

2020 taught us to do DIY, things that we never thought we can do.  I learned to do haircut for my kid and myself (I've been doing my husband's hair cut since he got here, it's the easiest because I only have to shave it😂).  I learned to bake in which my husband ended up buying me a stand up mixer.  My husband fixed our broken stove by himself which could've cost us $250 or so. He also made a plant stand for our free plants from Superstore and neighbour. 

It wasn't as worse as you think, right?  Not until 2 weeks before Christmas that we had another miscarriage.   Two pregnancy losses in a year-- it was horrible, we were devastated.  I am actually frozen right now, I can't even type, I don't even know how I will describe the feeling.  I remember seeing the heart beat, the movement, it is so hard to believe that I lost a baby....again.

But then, that was last year and I can say 2020 made me stronger, that's for sure.  Made me realize that I still have my husband and my daughter who need me and keep me going.  

The pandemic--made me appreciate and cherish my husband, daughter, and our families back home.   Made me appreciate frontline workers.  Made me realize that there are things that we can do by ourselves and not hire or buy.  Made me smarter by reading reviews, comparing prices on different online stores before buying something. Made me appreciate little things, like tabo and reminded me that we can survive even the toilet paper shelves are empty.  

Life is too short to dwell on negative things that happened in the past.  2021 is giving everyone a new hope, a new life, a new journey.  May this year be better for all of us.  

Happy New Year!

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