Monday, November 24, 2014

Labor and Birth Story

I never thought that I'll blog about my labor and birth story as early as this.  If you follow my blog you probably read that I am due to give birth to our little angel on 29th of November.

However, Peyton was in a rush to come out and our bundle of joy is now with us.  The feeling of being mother is such a fulfillment.  Today, I'll share my labor story.

November 11, 2014
2:30 am - Being pregnant, I usually pee during this hour.  This one is different, my undies was wet and never in my pregnancy I peed in my undies.  I changed it and got back to sleep.  The moment I laid my back, I felt uncomfortable because there was something wrong. I continuously got wet.  I get up and put a sanitary napkin.  I told myself that if this didn't stop and my napkin got full, I am already leaking.

4:00 am - From the time I put a sanitary napkin, I felt uneasy and thinking that I might be leaking because it really didn't stop. I get up from bed, turned on the light and there was it, my water leaked (even I'm wearing a napkin) with blood.  I woke up my husband and told him that we need to go to the hospital and I'm giving birth within the day. We prepared ourselves, and good thing that I was completely done packing our things a night before! Woman's instinct.😄

5:30am -We arrived at the UST Hospital and headed to the delivery room and it was confirmed that my bag of water already broke.  They checked if I'm in labor but I am 1cm dilated only. By hook or by crook, I need to give birth within the day via NSD or CS.

8:00 am - Labor is not progressing and they decided to induce.

10:00 am -This is when I started to feel the labor pain. As they say, induced labor is more painful than natural labor.  I was still between 2-3cm but mind you it was already painful. I even asked the intern who was watching my labor progress if I could walk or change my position but he refused! I don't have a choice but to bear the pain and nobody can help but myself!!!!

3:00 pm - I was on 4-5cm and asked already for epidural. By the way, the resident OB said that my contractions were moderate only. I was like "Wth, are you sure that this was not strong contractions?" It was more painful because, it was my baby's head who was pushing my cervix to open unlike the natural labor that there's the water bag to push it.

4:00 pm - Anesthesiologist arrived and they sent me to delivery room to do the procedure. By the way, my OB was still in convention by that time. The residents only update her.  I find a hard time to bend my back for the epidural because of my big tummy plus the contractions.   Anesthesia already administered yet I can still feel pain in my lower right abdomen . They IE'd again and I was 6-7 dilated.  While waiting for me to fully dilate, I was praying to have a safe delivery and have a healthy baby. I don't know what was going to happen and just seek for His guidance.

5:00 pm - I am ready to give birth and still feeling the pain in my lower right abdomen. They checked and they can almost see my baby's head! OB hasn't arrived yet and they have to sedate me for a while while OB was not arriving yet. 

5:33 pm - Baby was out after 3 long push!  Our gift from ABOVE finally arrived, Welcome our dear PEYTON FLEUR DARICE!

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